COVID-19 Protocols

Current Durham Health / Province protocols must be followed at all times

Required information from those requesting officials.

  1. Based on the regulations found in Schedule 2:16 of the current Stage 3 regulations facility and event managers are required to produce a safety plan which outlines how the facility and event management will be implementing and executing all the required public health measures in the regulation. Local boards must ask those requesting officials if they have seen the required facility and league safety plans that must be completed as part of the ROA Stage 3 regulations. The other question that must be asked of those requesting officials, is where in the facility will the safety plan be posted. Should the client indicate that they don’t know what the safety plan is or where it will be found in the Facility.
  2. The regulations require there to be a facility manager or permit holder who has very specific requirements with respect to adherence to the public health protocols and who must be in place at all times. Game officials have no responsibility for any enforcement of public health requirements as this is the sole responsibility of the facility manager or permit holder. This person will be expected to be onsite for the game(s) being assigned. This person will be the point of contact for the game officials for any issue related to public health issues that arise during the game. The local board must have the designated site manager’s contact information shared prior to any officials being assigned. This must be shared with the officials assigned prior to them arriving.
  3. The expectation is that any facility or league requesting officials will be adhering to all of the required public health measures as required by regulation. This includes enforcing the wearing of masks by non participants, physical distancing of spectators and limiting the capacity of people in the facility in compliance with the regulation, among others. Officials and members of the general public must adhere to public health regulations. Should these measures not be enforced by site management, officials will address it with the pre-identified site manager. Following that conversation, there will be expected compliance. Should the event still not have the necessary public health measures in place, creating a situation where the officials feel unsafe, the officials will leave the facility and will inform their assignor.

DRBABO is committed to the game of basketball, we are also committed to adhering to the public health regulations in place at the time of the game. Ensuring that all the public health measures are in place at facilities keeps the activity legal and more importantly, safe for all involved. We look forward to servicing your games in a safe and legally compliant manner. These requirements are in place during Ontario Stage 3 Reopening. They will be revisited and updated following any changes found within subsequent regulations issued by the province.

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